3 Things Any Busy Mom Can Do To Keep Looking Her Best

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Humbled Homemaker tackled the struggle to get healthy when you're a busy mom. I'm constantly looking for easy ways to make healthier choices as a mom.

Here are 3 great easy ways for moms like us to get healthy:

1. Rebounding

Touted to be one of the best overall exercises for the whole body (including cancer-prevention), it only takes 5 minutes a day.

I wasn't sure what rebounding entailed, so I looked it up. Turns out, rebounding is basically jumping on a trampoline. I'm probably way oversimplifying it, so definitely do some research if you're interested in using this tip.

I did learn that 10 minutes of rebounding is as effective as a 30 minute jog. Since we have a trampoline in our back yard, I'm definitely going to start jumping with the kids! Any exercise that I can do in 5 to 10 minutes sounds perfect for a busy mom like me!

2. Squeezing lemon in my water

Highly alkalizing, lemon-water helps to balance your body’s pH; a very important part of avoiding illness.

I had no idea lemon made my water an even healthier choice! I don't really like the taste of plain water, so I've been adding lemon for years. It's delicious and naturally sugar free.

3. Getting sunshine every day

Most women are deficient in vitamin D. It is vital for too many things to list here. Enjoy some quiet time in the sun and remember the benefits to your body.

Just sitting/standing outside while my kids play at the local park is good for me? You're kidding right? Sure, it's better if I walk laps around the park or push the swing for my kids, but it's nice to know that even when I'm not actively participating, I'm making a healthy choice just by getting outside. Bonus points for working on my summer tan! Wait, that's probably not healthy.

What about you? What are your tips for getting healthy when you're busy being a mom? One of my favorites is to choose healthy foods for my kids. Often times if they are eating healthy foods, I end up choosing more healthy foods too. Also, if you (like me) sometimes end up sharing snacks or picking off of their plates (Kids waste a ton of food!), you'll feel better about it if their snack was peanut butter and apples instead of cheese puffs.

To see more easy tips for busy moms check out the rest of the list at Humbled Homemaker.

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