Your Friend Just Had Her First Baby… How You Can REALLY Help Her

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Bundoo, self-proclaimed smart parenting gurus, have compiled a list of ways we can be truly helpful to the new parents in our lives.

We all want to help, but at the same time, we need to avoid overstepping or accidentally creating more work/stress for the new parents.

Here's what you can do to be truly helpful:

1. Go to the grocery store. Close friends and family members would likely appreciate a few staples such as milk, bread, etc. from the grocery store every few days, instead of having to make the trip themselves.

A great way to do this is to call or text the new mom & dad on the way over and say something like “I have to stop by the store, can I get … for you?” or “Do you need anything from the store?” They won't feel like they are imposing if you are already making a trip and it gives you a tangible way to be helpful without being overbearing.

2. Pick up the house. Household chores are usually an afterthought in the wake of a new baby, and the dirty dishes and dust can quickly pile up. Grab a sponge or broom, and dive in! New moms may hesitate to ask for help in this area for fear of imposing, but likely the offer will not be turned down.

With the exception of a few chores that I don't like anyone else doing (read: my laundry), I'm always really grateful if someone will just start picking up my toddler's toys with me. One thing my mom does that I totally love, while she's packing my son's diaper bag to take him to the park… she often hangs his clothes in the closet for me. I'm always super grateful.

Another one of my favorite things to do is to stop at Starbucks on the way over to visit a friend. What new mom doesn't need a caramel macchiato?

For more tips on what to do to be truly helpful in those early days and weeks, check out the complete list of ways you can help new parents at Bundoo.

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