Mommy, You’re So Crazy About Me

I don't really need to take an internet quiz or ask an expert if I'm crazy about my baby, because I totally am! Who wouldn't be? In fact, I'm thrilled that now my baby is two and I've got another on the way. Double the cuteness! I'm beside myself with crazy baby love.

When you're crazy about your little squish there are lots of things find yourself saying and doing that – let's face it- are totally weird.

Take comfort in knowing, you're not the only one. Here are some super weird things we all find ourselves doing & saying about our awesome babies:

1. You love smelling their breath.
There are few things as repulsive as someone's steamy breath in your face. Except when it's your baby's. I love the smell of my son's breath. Honest to goodness, I do. It's warm and sweet like a kitten's, and I catch a whiff of it any chance I get — when he yawns, gives me a hug, or tells me something while standing an inch away from my face (like the kind of dreaded “close talker” that causes you to cringe and take subtle but deliberate steps backwards, except that it's your baby and instead you take advantage of the situation by leaning right in to get a sniff of that heavenly breath).

2. You love it when they're nakey!
Those round bellies, that dimply butt, their delightful grins when they realize “I'm free!” Those thunder thighs, those wild eyes when they discover their “BELLYBUTTON!”

Everybody's gotta air it out now and then. You can say you don't live for pinching your baby's squishy bum, but I call B.S.

Smooth as a baby's bottom is not just an expression — it's the naked truth.

3. You kiss them compulsively.
I can't stop kissing my son. No, really, I can't. Sometimes I make a conscious effort not to, just to give the poor boy a break, and it doesn't work. His chubby cheeks are begging for it. His pouty lips scream, “Kiss me!”

But the most kissable place of all might have to be his hair, because it smells so gosh darn good. And that's the thing about kissing babies — half of what makes it so delectable is the smell factor, and there is a very real art to achieving this effect. Ready for it?

When going in for a smooch, swiftly and sharply inhale through your nostrils just as you're planting the kiss. Then linger there for as long as you can.

Smell, kiss, smell, kiss. It's utter bliss.

Beware, though: time is usually not on your side, especially when both mom and dad go in for a smiss (smell-kiss) at the very same time, in a stealthy move our family likes to call “the kiss attack.”

This move usually makes our son laugh. Other times, he rolls his eyes. I must be seeing things, because he's only a baby… but in truth he's a toddler, so the eye-rolls will be starting any day now, I'm sure, and before long he'll be a teenager, and ohmigod the thought of my son as an angst-ridden adolescent compels me to kiss him even more so I can savor this sweetness for as long as it lasts!

Huffington Post really hit the nail on the head with this article. Isn't it the absolute truth? Be sure to check out 5 more totally weird things we moms do because we're baby crazy on the Huffington Post site. Then, share your favorites in the comments!

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