Cool Ways To Celebrate Independence Day On A Budget!

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The moms at Eat Drink and Save Money know all about the struggle to celebrate holidays while staying on budget. Society is continually marketing holiday crap to us. The ads tell us we can't have a great time without all the new stuff. We know it's not true, but we get sucked in anyway.

Of course new stuff is fun, but can we have a great party and celebrate the holiday without it? These moms say of course and here are some ways to do it!

The moms at Eat Drink and Save Money have shared a list of links to show us just what we need to do to have a great party and save money doing it.

Here are some of their ideas:

Budget Friendly 4th of July Recipes:

Patriotic Fruit Platter for under $10


Star Spangled Sangria

Save Money on Crafts and DIY Projects:

Flag Kids Craft

Patriotic Pinwheels

I'm definitely going to try that flag kid craft with my son and the patriotic fruit platter sounds frugal and refreshing! There are plenty of other ideas in the complete article. Check out the whole list of cool ways to celebrate The 4th of July on a budget at Eat Drink and Save Money.

How will you be celebrating Independence Day this year? Share your plans and cool ideas in the comment section!




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