5 Things I Love About My 5-year-old

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There are gives and takes to any age. And nobody's perfect. In fact, I could probably make a list of the 5 things I hate about 5-year-olds! But for now, I'm going to relish the good things about my daughter being five. 12 months from now, she will be such a different person anyway! So I am going to enjoy it while I can! Can you relate to this list?
1.She dances like no one's watching! Or rather, perhaps, my little thespian dances like everyone's watching! When my daughter performs, she is not worried that she'll look silly or trip over her own feet – she'll just turn that into part of the dance. She is just happy to sway and move and enjoy the moment! Couldn't we all learn a thing or two from that?
2.She thinks I am the best mommy in the world! Now, this fact is debatable. I, like every other mother, totally second guess my ability to accomplish this daunting task of motherhood. I mean, we are trying to raise needy, selfish beings into happy, respectful, responsible adults. That's quite a task! And I feel totally under-prepared. However, my 5-year-old is convinced that I am the best mommy in the world. And I'm going to live it up!
3.She's a cuddle bug! I love hugs and kisses, and my girl is not afraid to dish them out! This makes me feel so loved. Sometimes these signs of 5-year-old affection are just what I need to get me through another day of mommy-hood. Someday, I am sadly sure her open affection will go away, especially as she draws closer to the preteen years. So, in the meantime, I am going to soak it up.
4.We can have a REAL conversation! Okay, so she is still five, but we can actually have a back-and-forth conversation now. In my stay-at-home-mommy world, this is pretty darn helpful! And it gives me an insight to who she really is. I love these times when she asks questions and sticks around long enough to actually hear the answer.
5.She can get her own breakfast! This may not seem like a big deal, but in the mornings, it is a huge help that she gets the bowls, spoons, cereal and milk for her and her little sister without my help. This frees me up for one of the other 12 million tasks of the day. I love that she is becoming a helper!

What do you love about your kiddos? Start a list in the comments section below!

Written By: Lisa Liebling

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