What Do New Moms Cry About?

Popsugar knows it's important to keep your sense of humor about you as you navigate the sleep deprived waters of those first few weeks at home with a new baby.

During your recovery and adjustment to your new mom life, you're sure to have lots of conflicting feelings.  Plus, the waterworks are still working overdrive from all those crazy pregnancy hormones.

Recovering from labor with little sleep and crazy hormones is no laughing matter, but here's what you can totally laugh about:

1. Trying on the skinny jeans.

Odds are, since it took nine months to gain the weight, it's not all going to be gone in 9 days. Just sayin'

2. The first time you have to pay a babysitter.

$10/hour doesn't sound like much to pay your neighbor's high school daughter… until you add those 3 hours to the cost of your dinner and movie tickets. Date night is going to cost how much?

Warning: this one might make the hubby cry too.

3. When it's time for your significant other to go back to work.

I remember teasing my husband because he had to drag himself in to work days after we returned from the hospital. After he left, I really missed him. That first day on your own is hard.

4. When maternity leave comes to an end.

I cried more over this than anything else. It's totally heartbreaking. Some moms get over it and some moms suddenly decide to become stay-at-home moms. It's hard. That first day is torture.

There are a lot of other great moments on Popsugar's list. For instance, did you know you can totally cry over spilled milk? Just ask a breastfeeding mom. I cried off and on for a whole day after someone left a bottle of our “liquid gold” on the counter and I had to pour it down the drain. I worked hard for that milk supply!

What else do new moms cry about? Check out the complete list of hilarious reasons new moms burst into tears at Popsugar. Then, tell us the story of what made you cry those first few days home with baby.

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