What Do New Moms Cry About?

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If you think new moms cry all the time because their hormones are totally out of whack, you're right… sort of. We can't deny that all those crazy hormones jumping up and down turn us into mush for the majority of our pregnancy and even a few months afterwards.

But if you thought it was just hormones, you're not entirely right. There's a lot going on inside our heads and hearts. It's big feels. All the feels.

What's the best way to survive the feeling roller coaster that follows the birth of a baby? Accept your feelings for what they are and don't try to change them. Then, get a sense of humor. Trust me, there's a lot to laugh about in those first weeks and months! Babies are hilarious.

Check out some hilarious reasons you might find yourself crying post-baby birth on the next page.

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