Totally Asinine Things We Do As New Moms

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Did you keep a poop log?

I can't believe I kept a poop log. This bears repeating. I really can't fathom that I did this. I mean, I sort of can. I am the most anxious person I've ever met (besides my mother), but I now can't even remember to make a list before I go to the grocery store.

I can't believe I did night feedings. By the time my second son was born, I pretty much sucked at night feedings. My husband would wake up at odd hours and find me fast asleep with a baby on my boob all over the damn house. Now on an good night, I sleep from about 10pm to 6am (give or take a bout of 2am insomnia), and the thought of getting up to do anything productive in between, like, for instance, sustaining a human life, is just plain asinine.

The more I think about those first few months, the more I can't believe I managed to get up multiple times each night, feed the little guy, and still somewhat function the next day. A new mom high, maybe? You do what you have to do, I suppose. Either way, the concept eludes me at this point and I can't figure out how I made it through last summer with my sanity intact.

You can see the rest of the list on Scary Mommy. When you're finished, leave a comment and let us know what things you can't believe you did as a new mom.

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