Totally Asinine Things We Do As New Moms

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I've certainly had my moments. Or should I say I've had moments where the rest of society has probably questioned my sanity. I remember the first few months of my son's life when I kept a completely detailed record of just about everything. By everything, I mean what time we were getting up and what time we were going to bed, how many night feedings, and every new food we tried. I made dated notes of each milestone and uploaded pictures every single day.

I was completely and totally obsessed with recording our first year. I didn't want to take the chance of forgetting anything. And so it goes. I have two books full of pictures and notes and dates.

One mom made a list of sorts of things she can't believe she did as a new mom. You definitely have to check this out. It's hilarious. It also makes me feel just a little bit better about my crazy form of keeping track of things.

Take a look on the next page.

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