The Best Parenting Lies You’ve Ever Heard

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How many of these did you tell yourself before you became a mom?

These parents are eating their words! Check out some of these true mom confessions to the statement “I’ll never be the parent that…”

“I’ll Never…”

    1. “I’ll never be the parent that makes their kids use a child leash…definitely getting one for my son.” -Kendra
    2. “‘my kids will fit into my world, not the other way around’…I was so wrong…” -Lisa
    3. “I never thought I’d feed them sugary cereal. Now I wish I could buy the lucky marshmallows alone.” -Souad
    4. ” I looked at my baby and thought “there’s no way I’m ever going to find anything annoying about this sweet child”…bahahaha” -Mandie
    5. “Before I had my daughter I always thought people who co-slept or breastfed past a year were creepy and nuts. Then I had my daughter lol! Just goes to show!” -Caitlin
    6. “I’ll never be a parent that has their kid out in public with food on their shirt, dirty clothes, etc. Toddler boys play hard, eat messy, have fun… They’re dirty… Oh well. He’s happy and loved, what else matters?!” -Lynette
    7. “I said I would never let mine eat in the car…. so someone please tell me why I am always vacuuming up all kinds of food from between the seats under the seats, stuck to the window!!!” -Laura Beth

You can see even more of this awesome list on the Kids Activities Blog. When you're finished, leave a comment and share what lies you told yourself.


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