Parenthood Is Full Of Irony

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Can you relate to this mom?

I’m sitting in the park watching my 4-year-old son running joyously around on the grass, the glow on a face nearly cracked in half by an infectious grin, causing my own face to split into a smile. He runs up several times to kiss me for no reason and tell me he loves me, and I congratulate myself on raising such a beautiful child.

I am clearly an amazing parent.

Ten minutes later he is face-down on the grass, screaming as I attempt to cajole him to the car so we can head home and I can get started making dinner. His dinner. People are looking. His arms flail wildly and one hand accidentally smacks my cheek bone. My instant reaction to being struck in the face is anger.

“We are leaving. Now!” I pick him up and haul him to the car as my other two children trail behind in awe. When we get to the car, I load my son forcibly into his car seat.

“I HATE YOU!” he shouts while crossing his arms over his little chest, then sticks out his lower lip so far nearby pigeons consider landing on it.

You can check out the rest of this article on Babble. When you're finished, leave a comment and share your thoughts on the irony that we call parenthood.


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