It’s A Good Gig, If You Can Get It

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$160,000 for vacation accommodations.   When the average 4 person family vacation sets you back about $4,000, $160,000 per month for vacation accommodations seems ludicrous.  If you total that amount for the year, it comes out to $1,920,000.  You could buy your own personal vacation island for that.

$300,000 for private jet.  This goes without saying, if you’re vacationing for $160,000 per month, you’re going to need a way to get where you’re going.   Your average G6 will set you back a cool $58 million.  If you total that amount for the year, it comes out to $3,600,000.  Those loan payments are killer.

$60,000 for office space and professional staff.  And you thought renting office space in New York was expensive!  In Illinois, where the couple resides, at least part-time, it must be an incredible office.  With fat-cat, well-paid employees.  If you total that amount for the year, it comes out to $720,000.  If you estimate 4 employees, and approximate $30,000 per month for rent, the staff is making $90,000 annually.  

$7,200 for dining. In addition to paying for office space and staff, taking clients out for lunches and drinks can really add up.  Since we’re still not sure whether this is professional dining or personal dining, we’ll say it’s personal.  For a woman and her 3 children, all under the age of 10, that is a lot of eating out.  If you total that amount for the year, it comes out to $86,400.

$6,800 for groceries.   You can’t go out to dinner all the time, even if you are a billionaire.  For that amount of money, not only could you hire a grunt to grocery shop, you could afford to pay for someone to hand-feed you.  If you total that amount for the year, it comes out to $81,600. 

Combined with the diners out, that is a grand total of $168,000 just for food. Again, let that sink in. 

$2,000 for stationary.  Um, has this woman never heard of email?  Who writes letters anymore?  Or is this for invitations to all of the fabulous, A-list parties you can host for $7,200 per month in dining expense?   If you total that amount for the year, it comes out to $24,000.

And the grand total annually for this fabulous lifestyle can be yours for a mere $6,408,000.  More than POTUS and a couple members of Congress make in a year.  Seriously, how do these trophy wives survive with a cut in pay?

Written by: Allyson Johns

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