It Totally Rocks To Be The Mom Of Boys!

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Amanda Rodriguez, “boy mom” and Babble writer, has 20 great reasons that she's so glad she's the mom of boys. Her list will make you smile and laugh out loud!

I really resonated with her thoughts on becoming the mother of boys and the way it changes you.

Being a boy mom has sort of become a huge part of who I am.
I was such a girly girl growing up — I had a lavender room, I wore dresses everyday, and for as long as I can remember I wanted to be a mom and a cheerleader when I grew up (I know, feminists everywhere just threw up on their floors). But now, the boyness I live each day has become such a big part of who I actually am.

Here are some of my favorite reasons that it's more fun to be the “boy mom:”

  1. When it was time to go pee at the park and I didn’t have to worry about toilet papering the port-a-potty.
  2. When I didn’t need to worry about whether it’s appropriate for my 12-year-old to wear a two-piece swimsuit or not.
  3. And when we went back-to-school shopping, the only thing I had to worry about was whether or not the graphic on his graphic tee was appropriate.
  4. When I saw how much my friend spent on clothing for her middle school daughter last year.
  5. When I went to the store and just came home with some shorts for my son, and he said thanks, ripped the tag off and put them on.
  6. When someone was mean to me and my 3 year old said, “If he says something else mean to you, Mommy, I’m gonna punch him in the stomach,” and meant it.
  7. When I found out how much American Girl dolls cost.
  8. When no one cared that I didn’t get to wash his uniform before the game. And, in fact, when I mentioned it, he balked because it would be bad luck.
  9. When he scored a touchdown and looked into the stands to make sure I saw him.
  10. And when he didn’t even act embarrassed because I was crying for real baby tears while screaming my voice away on the sidelines.

There is a fierce kind of love between a mom and her son. Now that I have a daughter, I can tell you that it's no stronger than the love between a mother and daughter, but it is different.

There's something special about being a boy mom. Read about 10 more awesome ways it totally rocks to be the mom of boys at Babble and share your favorite “boy mom” moments in the comments.

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