How To Make Your Husband Think You Cleaned (When You Didn’t!)

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It's so frustrating when your husband walks through the door and the house is a mess. He usually says something like “So what did you do all day?” Which really means he wants you to know that he isn't sure why the house looks like a tornado blew through it and you haven't cleaned up last night's dishes.

Let's face it. Sometimes it happens. We have one of those crazy days (or every day if you have toddlers) and cleaning just doesn't happen. I'm not talking about deep cleaning. I'm talking about the days where you didn't get a shower and there are still spaghetti noodles stuck to the table cloth from lunch.

There might not be anything you can do about your unwashed hair in a pinch, but you can make the house look clean.

Find out how to fool your husband into thinking you cleaned the house on the next page!

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