Fireworks Fun Without The Fire

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Some cities don't allow residents to shoot off fireworks for a variety of safety reasons.  Even in areas where fireworks aren't banned, they can be dangerous around young children. For these reasons and more, many parents with young children choose to avoid fireworks on the fourth of July.

If you're planning to abstain from fireworks this year, here are some other great ideas for celebrating from Popsugar:

  1. Paper rockets filled with glitter or confetti
  2. Metallic pipe cleaner fireworks rings
  3. Safe DIY noisemakers that look like fireworks without the bang
  4. Faux candy fireworks
  5. Porcupine ball fireworks paintings
  6. Paper flowers that look like exploding fireworks
  7. Paper sparklers
  8. Confetti balloons

With easy to follow instructions that get the kids involved, these activities are sure to be a hit at your Independence Day celebration. Besides, the paper flower fireworks would make really cute centerpieces for your fourth of July BBQ bash!

I think we might try some confetti balloons and paper rockets for our toddlers. It will be a fun way for them to get involved while being safe.  The porcupine ball fireworks paintings also sound like a really great way to keep them busy while I cook the festive food.

For more excellent ideas on how to celebrate or to get the instructions for creating the 8 ideas above, be sure to check out the complete list of 14 fourth of July fireworks fun (without the fire) from Popsugar. Don't forget to share your own celebration ideas in the comments!

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