Child Abuse Is The Victim’s Fault? What Do The Duggars Think?

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It seems that some people still fault the victim for rape or abuse.  Even with all of the progress made, even in 2015, it is unfathomable to me that people are that archaic in their beliefs.

Shortly after news broke that “19 Kids and Counting” star Josh Duggar was accused of molesting five underage girls — some of whom were his sisters — as a young teen, documents about sexual abuse purportedly published by the Advanced Training Institute (ATI) began re-circulating online. The Duggars are actively involved with the conservative Christian homeschooling program, and People reports that ATI’s parent organization, the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), runs the facility where Jim Bob and Michelle sent their son for counseling after they learned of the abuse in 2003.

One document, “Counseling Sexual Abuse,” strongly suggests that victims are to blame for their own abuse. The guide instructs victims to ask themselves “Why did God let it happen?” and offers potential reasons like “immodest dress,” “indecent exposure” and “being with evil friends.”

The handout was originally posted by Recovering Grace, an organization dedicated to “helping people whose lives have been impacted” by ATI and IBLP, in 2013 — long before the allegations against Josh Duggar made headlines.

How can young girls be to blame?  How can anyone buy into this?

John Cornish, one of the team members who runs Recovering Grace, told The Huffington Post that he remembers attending an ATI convention as a teen in 1997 and personally hearing Bill Gothard, the IBLP founder, going over the “Counseling Sexual Abuse” document.

“Cornish called Gothard's advice “horrific,” noting that program's guidelines not only “question whether the abused was at fault,” but also try to convince a victim that being abused was a good thing.

Cornish added that “for the thousands of families in the ATI program, Gothard would be the first place they would turn” in a case of sexual abuse.

It truly saddens me to think one man could convince so many to 1) listen to his lunacy, and 2) believe what he was saying was right.  The Duggars seemed like a harmless TV show family.  I guess you can't judge a book by it cover.

Read on to find out more about this horrific situation at Huffington Post. Let us know what you think by leaving us a comment.

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