Baby Products That You Can Manage To Live Without

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This first one was one of the very few things that I didn't end up buying. I definitely wanted to, but my far more conservative husband somehow managed to talk me out of it.

1. Video Monitor

Tech-savvy parents salivate over these gadgets, but even the cheapest ones run more than $200, and that's a lot of diapers. Plus, exhausted parents should take the time when their baby is sleeping to do anything except stare at their baby.

And these days, this next one is definitely something that you can live without. I bought several fitted sheets, but didn't actually buy a bedding set because I had no need for the bumpers.

2. Bedding Sets

Avoid the allure of a crib bedding set — which often comes with a quilt, crib guard, window valances, and countless other decorations. Most of those items you won't need, and several of them actually aren't supposed to be used if you are following SIDS-prevention protocol. You can buy 10 fitted sheets for the same price, and you'll be glad you have extras of those when your baby wets the bed for the second time in one night.

Of course, there's also the great laundry detergent debate.

3. Dreft Laundry Detergent

This is the Cadillac of detergents, costing about $25 a tub. Sure, it's technically the “No. 1 Choice of Pediatricians,” but any doctor will tell you that other perfume-free, dye-free laundry detergents will work just fine. And Tide's version is about half the price.

Either way, it seems there will always be a lot of things that we don't actually need. You find the rest of this list on Pop Sugar Moms. Don't forget to leave us a comment and let us know which items you managed to live without.

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