Acronyms That Are Just For Moms

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Have you ever used any of these acronyms?

PBJ = Please Bring Juice

A twist on the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Typically sent as a distress sign to another mom who lives in close proximity, most commonly from a park or play area near your collective homes. No mother wants to be caught off guard with a sweaty, thirsty child, but the thought of leaving the park to go back and retrieve an acceptable amount of Capri Suns when it took you 45 minutes to get out of the house is inconceivable.

IGTLMM = I’m Going to Lose My Marbles

A battle cry to be sent only to close friends. It says “I’m at the end of my rope and am about to throw my children down the stairs. Please, for the love of God, come save me and don’t forget the Merlot. Come immediately.” Seriously, hurry your ass.

YASS = You Are So Screwed

Best delivered to parents after you witness them purchase any of the following items: sand art, a pet gerbil, a Nerf gun, or a jumbo box of Nerds. You think this time will be different. I assure you dear Mama, it won’t be.

You can read the rest of this list on Babble. When you're finished, leave a comment and share what parenting-related acronyms you use on a somewhat regular basis.

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