8 Items You Must Start Buying At The Dollar Store

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Bargain Briana understands that we're all just trying to do more with less money these days. If you're trying to save money, or just shop smarter, you should definitely check out your local Dollar Tree.  Here's the scoop:

If your Dollar Tree store carries non-perishable products give them a look. You may even be able to find some great deals.

I tend to find myself in the Dollar Tree more in the summer months than in previous months. I get a lot of great craft supplies to keep the kids busy in the summer. They also have great glass pieces that would be great for a upcoming wedding or fancy smancy party you may be throwing.

Are you fortunate enough to have a Dollar Tree local? If so, I suggest you make a pit stop when you have a few moments to spare and check them out.

Here are some of the great items you should start getting at Dollar Tree:

1. Party Supplies

I'll be hitting up my local Dollar Tree for party supplies next weekend in order to prepare for my son's birthday. Who wants to pay several dollars for paper cups and plates when I can get them dirt cheap at the Dollar Tree?

2. Picture Frames

Each Christmas, I wrap framed pictures of our kids for the grandparents. I try to pick a candid shot they haven't seen before. I save money by getting the frames at Dollar Tree. Wanna know a secret? You can't tell the difference between my $1 frames and the fancy ones my mom paid good money for at a local department store.

3. Crafts

My son and I are always finding fun crafts to do together at our local Dollar Tree. We had fun making bats to hang in our front yard just before Halloween with a set of bat crafts from the Dollar Tree. I can't wait to see what we find for Christmas crafting!

4. Greeting Cards

We have a large extended family, so getting boxes of Christmas cards for $1 is perfect for sending a little love to all the aunts and uncles that live far away.

5. Dish Towels

Dish towels are my favorite Dollar Tree purchase! I'm always replacing mine. I love getting new ones for each holiday as well. I have a cute set for Christmas that I can't wait to break out!

6. Coffee Mugs

If you have extra guests coming to town for the holidays, stop in at your local Dollar Tree and pick up a few extra coffee mugs. We have some beautiful pink mugs with gold embellishments that my grandmother always comments on. Guess what! Yes, they came from the Dollar Tree.

7. Candles

They smell just like the ones at Yankee Candle to me and I didn't pay lots of money for them. My mother in law always comments on how nice my house smells when I burn my vanilla cookie candles from our local Dollar Tree, so pick one up and impress your in-laws for $1.

8. Gift Bags

I refuse to pay more than $1 for wrapping paper that my children are going to rip to shreds and throw in the trash just seconds later. I save the gift bags. We have several we have used for years and they were dirt cheap!

Need to know what else you ought to be buying at Dollar Tree? Check out the list of items from Bargain Briana.

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