8 Awesome Tips for Pregnant Moms… from Other Moms

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Babble.com has compiled a sweet list of sometimes hilarious, sometimes encouraging, sometimes a little too honest advice and words of wisdom from moms who have been there/done that.

Enjoy this down-to-earth list and have fun!

1. There are ups and downs.

“You’re at your most attractive during the first few weeks of pregnancy. You lose a couple of pounds from nausea and your boobs get bigger. Too bad you don’t want to be touched, and you’re throwing up.” — Samantha Rodman of Dr. Psych Mom, Arnold, Md., mom of three

2. Don’t stress if your sex life changes.

“At some point in time, sex will be awkward and uncomfortable and it’s ok to not want it for awhile.” — Lee, Centerville, Va., first time mom

3. Take advantage of the perks of pregnancy.

“So many of the pregnancy symptoms seem to be negative — acne, bloating, morning sickness, constipation. I have to say, there are perks to pregnancy — people giving up their seats for you, blaming ‘pregnancy brain’ if I forgot something, and eating as much as I want without any shame.” — Evelyn, Seattle, Wash., first time mom

4. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you feel uncomfortable.

“Don’t feel shy about telling people you’re not comfortable with them touching your baby bump. I remember during my first pregnancy, my husband’s (very nice and well-meaning) friend touched my belly. I felt so uncomfortable about it. I didn’t know why — it was very innocent and sweet — but I felt WEIRD. I laughed and then asked him to not do that again (right there in the moment) because it just didn’t feel right to me. We still joke about it to this day. It’s your body … don’t rationalize anything on account of what others may be comfortable with while pregnant.” — Jill Simonian of The Fab Mom, Los Angeles, Calif., mom of two

5. Your body will change, a lot, so just go with it.

“It seems like every morning I wake up and have to relearn to love and dress my changing body. It feels frustrating at times until I feel that kick that reminds me of how wonderfully made a woman’s body is, that it is able to create new life. With each kick I feel beautiful, powerful, and special again. I give myself grace in those moments.” — Ashley Wilcox of Ginger and Birch, Columbus, Ohio, first time mom

6. Do as much as you can pre-baby, so the first few weeks are as seamless as possible. 

“In the last months of my pregnancy, I cooked a ton of freezer meals, such as chicken pot pie, black bean soup, and butternut squash lasagna. I printed reheating directions for my husband and posted on the side of our fridge. It was so great in the first few weeks with my newborn to eat healthy, home cooked meals without having to leave the couch.” — Claire, Chicago, Ill., first time mom

7. There are many misconceptions.

“1) Morning sickness can happen any time of the day, and throwing up does not help with the nausea since it’s caused by hormones. 2) A C-section is MAJOR abdominal surgery — not sure why Hollywood seems to think it’s the easy route. Ouchieeee! 3) The sooner you get your baby(s) on a sleep schedule (all hail Moms on Call), the sooner you can relax with a glass of wine or commit to a full hour of something scandalous on Bravo!” — Kim, Chicago, Ill., first time mom of twins

8. Face it, in the delivery room, all you’ll think about is welcoming a healthy baby into the world.

“You will absolutely be so humbled going through pregnancy and especially labor. You will not care if your doctor and army of nurses see you at your worst and your most vulnerable state. And you will absolutely cherish every moment and look back at your first glimpse of your baby and know that your only job in the world is to protect him or her. — Jackie, Nashville, Tenn., first time mom

To read more awesome advice from moms who have been there, go to babble.com for the complete article.

What do you think? Do you enjoy being pregnant? What words of advice do you have for other mommies-to-be?

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