6 Things I Wish I Had Known In My 20’s

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1. You are special, to me.  With all of the millions of people in the world, you are uniquely you.  But you are also one of millions, if not billions, of people.  You will cause ripples in the world, but only in a small pond.  The world owes you nothing – if you want something, YOU have to make it happen.

2. Embrace your 20’s.  Live each day in your 20’s, don’t just exist.  You will never have this time back, and you don’t want to miss it in a haze of alcohol or drugs.  You will make a ton of friends, experiences, memories.  Hold on tight – once you are truly an adult, responsibility raises its ugly head and it sucks.

3. Try, try, again.  Don’t ever give up on something because someone tells you can’t do it.  Failure is all part and parcel of adulthood.  If you don’t fail, and sometimes fail miserably, you will never grow or learn.  Yes, it’ll suck.  Yes, sometimes it’ll hurt. But when you accomplish whatever it is you set out to do, that sense of accomplishment is incredible.

4. Don’t fall into the herd. This is counterintuitive to the first tip.  Just because your friends are going to run with the bulls or skydive does not mean you have to go along for the ride.  It’s okay to say no – in fact, the word “no” empowers you, not diminishes you.

5. Love fully and completely.  You will meet guys at college.  Don’t be afraid to fall in love, but don’t fall into bed with just anyone.  Respect yourself, or no one else will.  Sex and love are incredible, with a guy you truly care about.

6. Try harder.  You are smart.  You don’t realize that about yourself, but you are.  Put your all into college work – go to all your classes, turn in all your homework. Yes, parties will happen.  They will always happen. The payoff for working your ass off in college is immeasurable.  I wish I had done the same.

Written by: Allyson Johns

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