5 Ways That You Can Tell I’m Not A Morning Person

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1. Early morning conversations consist of little more than grunts and one-word answers. If you want to have an intelligent conversation with me, you probably shouldn’t waste your time before 10 AM. We’ve established that I’m not very good at faking it. Some people seem to have this idea in their heads that I should probably do a more respectable job of trying, but that’s not likely to happen any time soon. 

2. The first thing that I do when my feet hit the floor in the morning is get caffeine into my system as quickly as possible. On weekday mornings, this consists of tossing no less than three cans of Dr. Pepper into my purse – at least two of which, will be gone by lunchtime. If it weren’t for caffeine, I more than likely wouldn’t have lasted as long as I have working first shift. 

3. It takes multiple alarms to wake me up. By multiple alarms, what I really mean is there are a half dozen different alarms set on my phone – every 15 minutes or so from 6 AM – 7:30 AM. My husband also gave me this other little contraption that he calls a Screaming Meanie. I believe it’s actually meant for truck drivers, but it works wonders for me. I actually just looked this thing up on Amazon and it’s described as an “annoying extremely loud alarm clock.” Whatever it is, it gets the job done. 

4. I stumble through my mornings half-asleep. I’ve made it a habit to get everything ready the night before. The less I have to deal with in the morning, the better. Thankfully, the little guy doesn’t seem to be much of a morning person either, so at least he’s easy. He’s quite content to wait until he gets to daycare to have breakfast. I don’t generally eat breakfast. Mornings are really a matter of get up, get dressed, and get to where we belong. 

5. I’m almost always running late. More often than not, even my best efforts fail me. It’s ironic because I’m routinely 15 or so minutes early for anything that’s scheduled mid-morning or later. The 8 AM thing eludes me, though. Regardless of how hard I try, I just can’t do mornings – never have and probably never will. 

Are you a morning person – or the farthest thing that you can get from being one? Leave a comment and share.  

Written by: Cristi Wuenschel

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