5 Excellent Holiday Gift Ideas!

Lo-Wren, a self described muse, maven, and a mom, has put together a really cool list of unique gift ideas that are way better than what you'll find on Pinterest this year.

The best thing about the list?  these are gifts for all ages and all price ranges.

Here are my favorite ideas from the list:

  1. Adult Coloring Books:  Okay, so this craze has continued to build over the last year, but I don’t think it’s plateaued just yet. In fact, I’m hoping to find this coloring book for me under the tree this year!

I'm thinking about getting in on this trend too. Maybe Santa will stuff some colored pencils in my stocking so I can get started. It sounds so therapeutic, doesn't it?

2. Giant Piano Mat

Remember that scene in Big? The scene that had adults and kids wanting to take a trip to FAO Schwartz, or even have a piano mat of their own at home? You can recreate that famous scene and get exercise while you’re having fun with this electronic keyboard mat. The real question is whether this is a gift for your kids…or yourself!

I have no idea where I'd put something like this. I think I'll give it to my niece and watch my sister try to figure it out! Besides, that way my kids can play with it too and I don't have to house it.

3. HelloFresh

HelloFresh is the perfect gift for people who love food, but may be too busy to meal plan. Each box comes with the items needed for the recipe cards, down to the tablespoons of olive oil! Not only are HelloFresh recipes and ingredients healthy and delicious, but most of the meals take little time to prepare.

Doesn't this sound great? The only gift that would be better, would be if somebody gave me my own personal chef. Still, this is pretty close and much more affordable.

4. Novel Teas

When you’re settling in with a good book, a hot beverage is just the thing to complete the picture. I received these for my birthday this year and absolutely love the idea! No need for chocolates to enjoy great quotes…

I am in love! I confess that after seeing this gift on the list, I immediately searched for it on Amazon to order some for myself.

5. “Book With No Pictures”

I stumbled upon this book last year, but only introduced into our own library recently. Yes, there are absolutely no pictures in this book, but you’ll share giggles with your little one as you read through. Warning: you must have a sense of humor [about yourself] to read this to your kiddo, and be prepared to be asked to read it again once you’ve finished — it’s that good!

This is another great thing I'm adding to my Christmas shopping list!

Find more amazing ideas for holiday gifts from Lo-Wren and share your favorites in the comment section for everyone to see.


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