3 Must-Have Mom Items

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My can't-live-without-it item topped this list. Hard to believe, but I guess I'm not the only one who prioritizes comfort.

1. Yoga pants. For myself, stretchy pants are a must. Ever tried crouching for 10 minutes to pick up 700 melty beads off the library floor while wearing super-tight skinny jeans? Without showing butt crack? These days I live in my Zobha's since they're as cute as they are comfy and if they're good enough for mama January Jones, then they're good enough for me. Plus if I get some extra time in the day, I can hit the gym without having to change!

2. Machine Washable Clothing. “With kids, everything gets dirty on a daily basis so 99% of my clothes need to be machine washable!” – Desiree

3. Baby wipes “Wipes!! Not just for the butt anymore!” – Krista

You can check out the rest of their list on Redbook and then, of course, leave a comment and let us know what your can't-live-without-it item is – the one thing that gets you through your days.

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