7 Co-Sleeping Safety Tips

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I always tell moms who are planning to breastfeed that they shouldn't spend too much on the crib, because they might never use it. We didn't. It was beautiful and expensive and totally wasted.

Why didn't we use our crib? Breastfeeding an infant with a husband working third shift and me working first shift had a lot to do with it. The rest was mostly decided by the fact that my son was nearly 10 pounds at birth and outgrew his bassinet in a few weeks.

I wasn't ready to move him to a crib in a different room, especially since I was the only one home at night.  So, we decided to start co-sleeping by accident really. Then we moved the crib into our room and set up a crib sidecar to our queen bed.

At the time, co-sleeping was even more taboo than it is now. Still, we followed every safety precaution (my main concern).

If you're interested in co-sleeping, check out some safety tips on the next page.

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