10 Hilarious Things Said to Kids When Parents Are Sick

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We've all said some crazy things to our kids while we're sick. Here are some choice statements this dad from byclintedwards.com has made while lying on the couch, trying not to puke out his guts.

1. Just put it in the microwave and push some buttons. It’ll get warm.

2. You eat food off the floor all the time. You can do it again.

3. I don’t know where the baby is, but she's crying, so she isn’t dead.

Hahaha! And one of my favorites!

4. If you ask me to make fish sticks one more time I’m going to die. Do you want daddy to die?

I love it! Go to Clint's site to read the rest of the list. You're gonna love it, too! Too funny!

What kind of crazy things have you said while you were sick?

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