You Must Watch This On Netflix!

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There's something for everyone on Netflix, but more importantly there's something for every mom. Scary Mommy has compiled a pretty awesome list of 20 of the best shows on Netflix for new moms to totally binge on.

Here are a few that I personally love:

1. Gilmore Girls. Whether you have a daughter or are a daughter, you won’t be able to help but love the Lorelais. You’ll rage when you see Rory making the same mistakes her mom made, and you’ll sympathize with Lorelai when you watch her try to be a better mother than the one she had. Romance, rock and roll and some fast-paced dialogue will help you to remember that there is life past all the late-night feedings.

2. Parenthood. If you loved Lauren Graham as Lorelai Gilmore, you’ll love her in Parenthood. She is part of an amazing cast that comes together to portray the Braverman family, three generations of people who go through the highs and lows of love, loss, marriage and babies. It’ll keep you in mind of the magic that it is to be a parent and watch your children grow up.

3. Orange Is the New Black. Watching this Netflix original, you might find you relate to Piper’s incarceration. After all, being at the beck and call of a new baby can oftentimes make you feel like you’re in prison. Being forced to do all the manual labor that you just aren’t prepared for while being grossed out constantly by one new diaper explosion after another will make you seriously consider giving up men altogether.

4. Weeds. A reminder that moms will do anything to keep the family afloat, even if it means selling drugs, fleeing the country or going to jail. If you ever wanted to feel like there’s a possibility of looking like a MILF one day, Mary-Louise Parker will help you keep the faith.

5. The Office. If you’re missing your days as a working girl, watching the gang at Dunder Mifflin might just remind you of all the people you are happy to have left behind! Plus, let’s face it, watching Jim and Pam fall in love is just one of the sweetest things ever.

6. Once Upon a Time. Having a new baby will bring out the kid in you. You’ll start remembering all the fairy tales and Disney movies you loved as a child. But you’re not a child. You’re a mom now. And you like your fairy tales a little darker. This show twists up your favorite fairy tales and makes them a must-watch.

7. Friends. Ah, remember the carefree days of your 20s? Before kids and partners and mortgages? This ’90s classic will remind you of how much fun you used to have and remind you just how important your best friends are. Maybe give them a call. Go on, we’ll wait!

8. Modern Family. A mockumentary-style TV show following Jay Pritchett and his brood, a very … you guessed it … modern family. Whatever your own situation, you’ll find fun in this dysfunctional family dynamic!

Didn't see one that interests you? There are a dozen more shows over at Scary Mommy for you to check out.

While we're on the topic I also have to suggest Charmed, Call The Midwife,  The Secret Life of The American Teenager, and Switched at Birth. They're equally awesome and I definitely binge watched every one of them while I was learning to breastfeed my infant in the wee hours of the morning.

What's your Netflix guilty pleasure?



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