The Cleaning Just Never Stops… How To Gain Control?

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This first one is the epitome of being a mom – all day, every day.

Organizing idea #1: Never stop picking up.

  • Try picking up during TV commercials or while you are waiting for something to boil on the stove. You will be amazed how much you can get done in five minutes.
  • Have the entire family spend five minutes picking up the family room or living room before they go to bed. Set a timer for young kids so they don’t get overwhelmed.If your family members go to bed at different times then have each member pick up his or her items before bed time. Once this becomes a habit, you will be amazed how much easier organizing becomes.

Organizing idea #2: Stop making messes.

  • Keep a trash can in every room. No one likes carrying one small piece of trash from the family room to the kitchen so it usually ends up on the floor. Keep small trash cans everywhere. In our office we have two trash cans, one next to the desk for throwing away regular office trash and one next to the shipping table for throwing away envelope tabs, extra invoices and other shipping trash. If you need two trash cans in a room put them in there. Make it easy to keep things clean.

  • Throw that sticky food wrapper straight into the trash. Don’t lay it on the counter to make another mess that needs to be wiped up later.

  • Don’t lay that dirty spoon on the counter. Rinse it and put it in the sink or dishwasher.

  • As you’re undressing, don’t throw your dirty clothes on the floor or on the furniture. While they are still in your hand, put them in the hamper or if they’re still clean, hang them up.

  • Keep the hamper close to where you undress at night. If it is convenient, you will be more likely to use it and it’ll be easier to stay organized.

  • Before you leave the bathroom, hang your wet towel on the rod. Don’t drop it on the floor or leave it in a pile.

This is another one of those easier said than done kind of things, but if you can get yourself into the habit of putting things where they belong, it'll make cleaning up so much quicker later.

You can visit Living On A Dime to read the rest of this great list. When you're finished, leave us a comment and add to the list of easy organizing ideas.


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