The 10 Christmas Commandments You MUST Keep

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I found the greatest list of Christmas rules from Babble! You're probably observing some of the same commandments on the list without even realizing it.

Here's what writer Lori Garcia has to say about her list of Christmas Commandments:

It’s not that my kids are ungrateful or are necessarily given too much; it’s just that their unwrapping race to the finish is over faster than I can choose an Instagram filter. Think I’m kidding? Last year’s gift opening extravaganza lasted all of eight minutes — including stockings! Sure, the smiles were fun, and I suppose the frenzy was at least sort of funny, but any magic to be found that Christmas morning was definitely missing.

This year, I want things to be different, so I’m gifting my family Christmas morning commandments.

I love the idea! In fact, I second Garcia's icky feeling about the morning frenzy.

One way we slowed our craziness down was to unwrap presents one at a time in rotation, youngest child goes first.  It's nice to see everyone's gifts and reactions without feeling so rushed.

With all that in mind, here are the 10 Christmas Commandments:

I. Thou shalt wake up before the kids to enjoy a momentary calm before the Christmas storm.

I completely disagree with this rule. My kids normally wake up at 5:00 or 6:00 am and I plan to enjoy every second of sleep I can get with a three year old and a newborn.

II. Thou shalt not snap or share any pictures of mom until she’s had an opportunity to put on a bra.

This one is for my husband. I'm always begging him to let me brush my hair and put on my bra before he starts snapping away with the camera. Honey, I know you think I'm beautiful no matter what… but those photos aren't Facebook friendly.

III. Thou shalt be responsible for safeguarding thine own gift cards.

This one doesn't really apply to us yet, but I could change it to “thou shalt be responsible for safeguarding thine own tiny toy accessories.”

IV. Thou shalt never compare gifts received with those displayed on social media.

Thankfully, my kids aren't on social media yet. I know, my day is coming.

V. Thou shalt at least pretend to admire the wrap job of the gift received.

I know it looks like I wrapped your present at 3:00 am with one eye closed and the lights out… that's because I did! I have a toddler and an infant. You're lucky I didn't give it to you in a plastic grocery bag.

VI. Thou shalt not gift in fear of January’s credit card statement.

Gulp. Can we not talk about that just yet? I'm pretty sure my husband and I are going to have heart attacks when we see it.

VII. Thou shalt proudly wear and/or display any gift given to thee by thine children.

I always do. They are my favorite. Even the lopsided painted plaster stone my son made last Mother's Day. Aren't kids cute?

VIII. Thou shalt keep a detailed list of gifts received in order to send timely thank you cards.

Or… you could just send picture messages to friends and family from your smart phone like I do. Is that cheating?

IX. Thou shalt appreciate the thought above all else.
Remember: thought above what’s bought.

Amen! If there's one lesson I want to teach my kids about receiving gifts, this is it.  Gratefulness.

X. Thou shalt slow your unroll.

Whether you unwrap the bounty in 30 seconds or three hours, the gifts remain the same. Christmas morning is not a race to receive, so let’s all take a moment to let in a little magic, shall we?

I might start saying “slow your unroll” to my family this year. I love it!

Want to hear more about the 10 Christmas Commandments? Check out Garcia's list and the reasoning behind each of her commandments at Babble.

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