Teen Boys Sell PMS Gift Packages

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Valerie Williams, writer for Scary Mommy, recently wrote about this new subscription gift package that's making the monthly visitor a little less of a pain. Here's what she has to say about the service and the boys behind it:

A pair of enterprising teenage boys came up with a unique idea to help women when they’re feeling their worst: during their periods. They created “PMS” boxes full of goodies aimed to take the edge off the cramps, bloating and emotional turmoil so many of us experience each month. Why did no one think of this before, and where can we sign up?
Ashton Onesko and Luke Buchy, both 19, are the entrepreneurial minds behind The PMS Package, a company that’s taken off in a rather short period (pun intended) of time. The idea stemmed from Buchy’s younger sister suggesting it and quickly grew.
From their website, the mission: “Here at The PMS Package, we strive to ensure you are comforted at your time of the month. We provide all your wants and cravings delivered specifically when you need it most. From different assortments of candy to your favorite movies, our packages have it all!
This shows real progress, that young men are in tune with how annoying and burdensome periods can be and are sympathetic to it. It’s simply a natural occurrence that happens to most women every month and these guys know that the best thing anyone can do is sympathize. And send snacks.

The packages range in price, but start at just $12.99. That makes them an affordable option for women of all ages. Their perfectly timed arrival might be just what teen girls need to deal with the drama of entering this stage of womanhood. For those of us already accustomed to dealing with Aunt Flo, The PMS Package is a nice way to be kind to ourselves during “that time of the month.”

The boys are consulting women to be sure their packages don't miss the mark. They're also changing the goodies up to match the seasons, which means you'll never get bored with your monthly gifts. Know someone who might be interested in a PMS package? Thinking of one for yourself?

Get all the details on The PMS Package from Scary Mommy and be sure to share your thoughts about the service in the comments.

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