Teaching Kids How To Handle Bullies

Bullying is becoming a big problem for today's kids and teens. Often times parents aren't sure how to teach their kids about bullying. Some parents do take the time to talk to their kids about bullying, but unknowingly give them outdated information or strategies that aren't truly helpful.

As a teacher, I spend three weeks talking about different types of bullying and how to handle it with my students. They learn that often times strategies like just ignoring the bully or fighting back aren't helpful and can actually make the situation worse. We teach them what to do, what not to do, and when to tell an adult.

I hope my students are teaching their friends and leading by example so that other kids can learn these valuable skills. Want to teach your kid how to handle bullying? If you're not sure what to say or if you're afraid your kids won't listen… try the video on the next page.

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