Sometimes I Wish My Kid Wasn’t Potty Trained

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The first time my kid pooped at the play place and I had to attempt to get him down from the top of the play tunnel in stinky pants… I wished he was still in a diaper.

The first time we traveled more than an hour away after potty training him, I longed for the ease of diapers each time he asked to stop for the potty. He never needed to go, he just wanted to flush all the toilets along the interstate route.  Apparently, it's a strange toddler travel ritual.

So when will you wish your toddler was NOT potty trained?

1. When Someone Has an Accident
It was so much easier to toss out a diaper than to clean crap out of a pair of underwear or pants. There’s no more humbling experience than picking dried poop off of polyester.

2. In a Dirty Gas Station Bathroom
Wait, I was wrong. Cleaning the toilet seat in a gas station bathroom is definitely a more humbling experience. In fact, it’s fucking disgusting. And that pink slimy soap might even make your hands nastier than cleaning their crapper.

3. When Your Kid Has to Poop in a Porta-Potty
I have no words. Those things make my stomach turn and watching my kid sit on the seat as I attempt to keep them from falling into the gaping abyss of vile blue liquid is among the least enjoyable six minutes a parent can endure. (See previous comment about squatting).

4. The Last Five Minutes of a Movie
This one sucks most if you have other kids with you, because they’re not missing the end without a fight. So while you’re frantically grabbing coats and arms and hurdling grunts of “get up now,” you’re getting yelled at by a bunch of preschoolers and getting the evil eye from people trying to watch the movie. It just sucks.

I'm dreading the Porta-Potty. We haven't had to endure that yet and I'm not looking forward to it. It's tempting to make my husband take him into the porta- potty just to avoid it for myself.  Then I'd spend the day worrying about whether or not my husband had let him touch anything in there, so it's probably not worth saving myself the 10 minutes of disgust.

Have you ever wished your kid was still in diapers? Tell us about it in the comment section.

Can you think of other places not on the list? Check out 5 other times you'll wish your kid wasn't potty trained at Scary Mommy to see them all.


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