Silly Questions People Ask Big Families

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Large families used to be the norm, but today the average american family has 2 to 3 children.  People with “big families” are something of a curiosity in our culture these days.  I have a friend with five children, and she can probably vouch for each of the questions in the latest Beyond Mommying article.

Don’t you know where babies come from!?
This is not my first time at the rodeo, I am very aware of where babies come from: they come from the warmth, comfort and love of their mommies bellies after 9 months of growth, nourishment, love and sacrifice and hours (or even days) of preparation, labor and delivery. Perhaps YOU don’t know where babies come from?

Were you trying to get pregnant?
The fact that someone would even ask this question implies that babies and pregnancies are either wanted or unwanted. I once had the gall to ask a friend this very question and her awesome answer not only put me in my place but also made me feel like a total ass and helped me realize not only the ridiculousness of my question but the fact that I had no right to ask the question to begin with. (She replied: “we weren’t not trying…”)

These sorts of questions drive me crazy too. Since when did it become acceptable for people to ask other people, often complete strangers, about their reproductive choices? It's not something I'm comfortable discussing with anyone other than my husband and my doctor.

You really have your hands full, huh?
Yes, it’s true that I have more children than I have hands but that doesn’t mean my life is overly complicated or stressed. The only way I could see not having my “hands full” is if I had no children to care for at all, I really don’t find three children that much harder than one and I don’t expect four to be any worse. Plus, as most mommies will tell you, my hands may be full but my heart is overflowing.

It's true, your hands (and your heart) will be/are full no matter how many children you have. Children are such a blessing!

Do you get any alone time?
Well, no, not really. But that’s partially my choice. I could send my older two to school all day and put my toddler in childcare but then what would I do all day? I love the time I get with my children. Do I dream of a trip to the toilet without company or interruptions? Sure, but they’ll be gone before I’m ready so for now I just try to enjoy every second I have with them (key word: try.)

Are you going to have more?
For us, this is baby number last. I never wanted more (hubby didn’t even really want this one!) and I think I currently in a state of a perfect mix of excited and terrified which tells me I’ve met my limit. I know we will be happy and fulfilled with our family of 6 but I also respect anyone who wishes to have more. Nothing is more joyful in life than the love and presence of a child, or many!

What other kinds of silly questions are people with large families subjected to? Find out in the complete article from Beyond Mommying. Then, share the ridiculous questions you've been asked about your family in the comments.

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