Reading To Your Children Improves…

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I am obsessed with books and reading is, no doubt, one of my favorite things to do. I've made it a major priority to build a library for my toddler son. In a matter of a year, we've accumulated almost 200 books – just of his. That doesn't include the books I've bought for us as a family or for myself. Heck, I've already gone as far as telling my husband that I'd like to buy the little guy a few books each week or month or… whatever makes sense for our budget.

The point is that there are very few things as important to me as books. I may or may not have mentioned to a few of the girls I work with that there are two things in life you can never have too many of – one is definitely books (if you're curious, the other is craft supplies). Go figure, right?

Why are books so important to me? One mom explained how important reading is and what effect it has on young children. You can check it out on the next page.

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