Need That Perfect Toy For Your Child?

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Tip # 1:  Think about buying old school! Most kids today have plenty of modern toys, the kind that line store shelves and are made from plastic. Good quality wooden toys are often readily available and can be a much better purchase (worth the money in the long run!). They’re very durable, and designed to last. In short, the extra price means you get extra benefits. 

Tip # 2: Have doubts about a particular toy? Then do some research. Check out the reviews. It doesn’t matter if you’re at home or if you’re in the store with a mobile web browser. Run a search for it or visit a shopping website that posts reviews. Who doesn't like honest opinions about the product from those who have bought it before. This will help you figure out if a toy is worth buying or if it’s something that you should avoid. There are so many different products on the market today, it makes sense to learn a little bit more about them before you spend your hard earned money on them.

Tip # 3: Consider the kid. We all know a couple of kids who simply have so many toys (count my kids in!) that it boggles the mind, but think about the ones that they really, truly play with. Not the ones that they want, use twice, and then leave under the bed (my kids are guilty!). Think about the ones that get alot of use in their collection. Once you’ve got a good idea of what they are, start to look for similar toys. There’s a good chance they’ll be a smart buy!

Tip # 4: Do your homework on the year’s top toys.  Create a list that has all new toys before the holidays hit. Researching is a great way to come up with new ideas for shopping. Give yourself ample time to check out the different toys you are considering. Then buy and stock up… even if their birthday is months away.

Tip # 5: Consider project-oriented items for kids. Model airplanes can help stir your child’s imagination, or making bracelets. When purchasing toys for kids pick the right toy that piques their interest. Look for toys that have a lot of different colors. Smaller children learn by using all of their senses. It is also important to ensure the toys are non-toxic, as they will inevitably end up in the child’s mouth. 

Tip # 6: Speak with your children and  find out what they are interested in. You might think you know what they will want, but sometimes a child may want to play with something brand new. Active kids love sports equipment (my son loves soccer!). An active teen might enjoy a baseball bat, glove and baseball or even a basketball goal and ball . These toys are a lot of fun, and they also promote physical activity, an important component in a healthy life. 

What are your tips for buying that perfect gift?

Written by: Brydie Clark

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