My Favorite Life Hacks

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I’m fascinated by “life hacks.” These little tricks of the trade seem to make life easier in so many ways. They’re remarkably easy, but somehow the hacks are always things you’ve never thought of before. For instance, who thinks about giving their kid marshmallows for a sore throat? It works and kids love them! A lot of the time I don’t really use the hacks. I forget about them or they seem like too much work, so I just keep doing life the way I always have.

I do have some favorites though. Here are my favorite, tried and tested, life hacks:

  1. Use bread to clean up broken glass.

I read about it in a novel one day and was amazed! Three days later my toddler snagged a glass juice bottle from the counter and dropped it near the fire place. Bam! There was shattered glass everywhere, so I scooped him up and checked to be sure his tears weren’t due to any physical trauma. He wasn’t cut so I deposited him safely in another room. I grabbed a few slices of sandwich bread and went to clean up the mess.

Bread, I had read, was best at safely cleaning up all those tiny pieces of glass that you can barely even see.  I had to try it. After tossing the large pieces of glass, I swept the area using the bread slices. I peeked at the bread after I pulled it off the floor and was surprised to see all the tiny glittering pieces of glass stuck in the bread. Who knew?

Since then, I always go over any area where glass has been dropped with a slice of bread, just to be on the safe side.

Check out 4 more of my super awesome Life Hacks on the next page!

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