Lose Weight In A Day With These Tricks!

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We all know that the only way to really lose weight is a healthy diet and exercise. We know that fad diets and crazy workout routines don't leave lasting results and can actually damage our bodies rather than make us healthier.

But there are some ways we can lose a considerable amount of water weight in a day for a special event or a hot date.  Popsugar has put together a list of fast ways to lose the bloat just in time for the holidays.

In the morning:

Drink hot water and lemon.  A mug of hot lemon water in the morning wakes up your digestive system and helps get things moving. You can drink green tea with lemon if you don't like the taste of warm lemon water on its own.

Go dairy free.  Many people feel belly discomfort after eating dairy.


Detox with yoga.  Yoga twists help rid your body of toxins by aiding your digestion.

Have a tropical snack.  Both pineapple and papaya contain enzymes — bromelain and papain, respectively — that help banish bloat by breaking down protein and easing digestion. Snack on a bowl of cut-up fruit, or make this papaya, pineapple, and coconut water smoothie for a mid-morning snack.

And do these things all day long:

Slow down.  Eating too quickly can cause air to be trapped in your system, so chew slowly to minimize bloating caused from getting too much air trapped in your system.

Don't chew gum.  Stop the gum-chewing to feel less puffy. And it's not only because chewing gum causes you to swallow more air; many gums contain sugar alcohol, which also can make you feel bloated.

Drink more water.  Good old H2O helps flush out toxins and extra salt (which can be responsible for that puffy feeling) from your system, so remind yourself to drink more water throughout the day. Keeping a water bottle with you at all times is a great way to ensure you're always filling up.

Check portions.  The reason you're feeling full and bloated could be your portion sizes.

Popsugar has lots of other great tips for losing the bloat in a day, including an excuse to get more sleep! Check out all the ways to debloat fast!

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