I’m Not Sorry I’m A Working Mom

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What do you think? Are you sorry you work?

Dear children, I’m not sorry I work.

I know a lot of other moms are, but I’m not.

I’m not sorry that when I leave you in the morning, you don’t cry because you know how much fun you’re going to have while I’m working. I want you to have that fun, even if I’m not there to see it.

I’m not sorry that you count your Nana, your Gigi, and your Pops among your best friends because they help take care of you every week while I work. Many kids will never be as close with their grandparents as you are.

I’m not sorry that, because I work, you get more quality time with your perfectly capable father.

I’m not sorry that you’ve bonded with your other caregivers, because the more people who love you—and the more people you love back—the better.

I’m not sorry that you get to see both your mommy and your daddy doing housework and changing diapers because, since we both work, we split the jobs at home as well.

I’m not sorry that you get to overhear your daddy and I working cooperatively as a team to keep our schedules running smoothly (or at least running…the smooth part is questionable).

You can read the rest of her letter on Scary Mommy. When you're finished, leave a comment and weigh in – sorry or not sorry?








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