How To Organize Your Purse – And Keep It That Way!

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The gurus at Home Storage Solutions 101 are coming to the rescue with step-by-step instructions for clearing the clutter from your handbag and keeping it cleared.

Here's what they have to say:

Don't forget to empty all the compartments, pouches and pockets in both the interior and exterior of your purse, including ones you don't normally open and use very often. I'm often surprised how I've stashed something in one of these places in a rushed moment and then completely forgotten I'd put it there.

Once you see everything laid out in front of you the next step is to remove the obvious trash and clutter. This can include old receipts, grocery lists and other paper, as well as wrappers, stuff your kids hand you to carry, etc.

Once the obvious trash and clutter are gone begin to look at what might be less obvious clutter. If you've got multiples of several things, like you've somehow accumulated too many pens, for example, cut it back to just one of the items instead of multiples.

I tend to accumulate extra lip balm.  I know there are at least 3 in my handbag right now.  I'm also really bad about stockpiling useless receipts.  I have no idea why I insist on a receipt for a gas station soda when I know it is just going to languish in the bottom of my purse for months before I finally throw it out.

Some people clear out their purse daily, usually in the evening. When you do it this often we're talking 30 seconds or less, as you just glance in it and throw out that old grocery list once you've done your grocery shopping, or whatever.

But at a minimum I've found it is important to clear out your purse weekly. Personally, I tend to do this purse clean out on the day I pay my bills and do other paperwork because I've got to get into my purse anyway to get out receipts, etc. and so I find it a convenient time to do this additional task as well.

I probably only clean my purse once a month… which is how it gets so gross and disorganized. I definitely need to start clearing it out more often.  Need more tips on how to get the job done? You can find those and hints on what you should be carrying in your purse at Home Storage Solutions 101.  Check it out and share your own organization struggles in the comments.


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