Horrific Thoughts Of An Exhausted Mom

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If you have ever experienced colic, you know how incredibly exhausting it can be.  When my daughter was an infant, her colic began at 2 weeks, escalated for another 4 weeks, and ended when she was about 3 months.

I was supposed to stay with my parents for the first 2 weeks of her life, then return to my own house.  Two weeks turned into the 3-month duration of a colicky baby.

It goes beyond missing sleep.  You would sleep every time the baby slept, if the baby would ever sleep!  At the height of her colic, she screamed 18 hours per day.  Translated: Both of us were obnoxiously sleep deprived and I began to understand why it is used as a form of torture.

One mom revealed her shame at her reaction to her baby's crying. You can read it on the next page:


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