Perfect Halloween Crafts for Kids

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In this fun video, What's Up Moms shares some great craft ideas for getting into the Halloween spirit with your children while avoiding the mess!

The first craft is a cute Styrofoam spider that will encourage your kids to get creative.  It's perfect for the younger guests at this year's Halloween party.  There aren't a lot of super involved steps or complicated tasks… just creativity with some pipe cleaner legs and googly eyes. This craft also starts some great conversations about spiders in the video which makes it perfect for moms who want a learning activity.

The second activity sounds like something my son would love! In fact, I might be trying it with him tomorrow. It's called ghost mud and it's the perfect activity because you already have all the ingredients in your house! All you'll need is a grater, a bar of soap, and a roll of tissue paper.  It's not really messy, because it's soap! That means it will be much easier to clean up than the homemade play clay I made last week. However, if you're nervous about the grated soap, you can take this one outside for some mildly messy fun with your kiddos. This is the perfect sensory play for little ones this Halloween!

Finally, this mom shares a cute craft for making spiderwebs from string. I love that this craft is great for working on fine motor skills with your little ones.  It could even be adapted to work as a dream catcher out of season. Kids will love embellishing their spiderwebs with festive stickers and plastic spiders – spooky! I know my son would love to have his very own spider in his bedroom window. I'll just be glad it's not real.

For more fun ideas, be sure to check out What's Up Moms and Happy Halloween!


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