Grieving Your Children Growing Up

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Watching your little ones grow up is so bittersweet. You're amazed by them and oh-so-proud, but you also grieve each passing age and stage. I remember the first time it actually dawned on me that I had an almost one year old – almost one, I tell you – when did that happen? That's what I mean. It goes so fast. One minute, you have a newborn curled up on your chest and the next – he's off. Scooting, crawling, and then walking…

Every milestone is met with both joy and sorrow. You can't believe your baby is no longer a baby or that your toddler is no longer a toddler. You can't figure out how it happened so quickly.

One mom wrote an amazing essay about the grief in growing up. She explains how she felt a sense of loss after she transitioned her little girl to sleeping by herself. I remember feeling a similar thought when I moved my son into his room. This is a must-read for all moms out there who are struggling with their little ones growing up.

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