Got Good Mommy Manners? Here’s How To Find Out

The writers at Modern Mom understand that while we're all moms, we're all pretty different too.  They've put together a list calling out those mom personalities that really get under our skin and complimenting those of us who follow “the rules” and use our “mom manners.”

Are you using your mom manners at the playground? in the school pick up line? at the birthday parties?

1. They are appreciative. Keenly aware that everyone’s life is busy, these gracious mothers look for opportunities to say “thank you” for favors like doing extra duty on the carpool or passing along the name of a good babysitter by sending a hand-written note of appreciation.

I'm going to go ahead and admit that I don't often send a hand written note for things like this, but saying thank you does go a long way… especially if you're asking for favors.

2. They are respectful of your life and it’s demands. A gracious mom will never presume you’re always up for taking care of her kids or continually run late when it’s her turn to carpool.

I know a lot of moms that really do take advantage of other moms in this way. Bad form, Ladies. Bad form.

3. They are not cliquish or clannish around new faces. In fact, a mom with superb manners will go out of her way to introduce herself and the group to a new neighbor or play group member.

I'm so blessed to be a part of a group of ladies that are inviting and welcoming to new moms. If they weren't, I might still be out there searching for my mom tribe.

Modern Mom has a whole list of mom manners for us to consider covering everything from participating in play dates to interacting with teachers. Check out the list and then share your experiences with good & bad mom manners in the comments.

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