Good Mothers Love Their Children

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Are you a good mother?

Good mothers love their children.

Good mothers breastfeed—for six days, six weeks, six months, or six years—because they know it’s “best,” because it’s natural, because they have support, because it works, because they made it work, because it’s easier, because it’s really nobody’s business why.

Good mothers formula-feed—rarely, occasionally, or always—because they have to, because they want to, because they didn’t have support breastfeeding, because they had support but still couldn’t breastfeed, because it’s familiar, because it’s easier, because the flippin’ pump won’t do what it’s supposed to, because it’s really nobody’s business why.

Good mothers feed their children organic food because they have the means, fish sticks because their kids will eat them, and whatever they can scrape together from the cupboards because they have no other option.

Good mothers work outside the home because they have to, because they want to, because they want their kids to know that women can participate fully in the working world, because it’s the best choice for their families.

You can see the rest of this article on Scary Mommy. When you're finished, leave a comment and share what you think makes a good mother.








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