Fashion Rules For Buying Shorts

Ashley Lundgren at Hello, Dearest: This Is Motherhood blog is a fashion aficionado and she's letting us in on a secret: the rules.

I didn't know there were rules to wearing shorts, but after reading Ashley's rules I feel confident that I can find shorts that will look good on me instead of just acceptable.

1. Proportions:

  • Be aware of the cuff size on your shorts. This also needs to be proportioned with how long your legs are: a large cuff on a petite woman can be overwhelming, as a small cuff on a tall woman can get lost and become obsolete.

Ashley also has great tips for which styles to choose for petite and tall women.

Confession: I may print this list and take it shopping with me.

2. Fit:

  • One thing I recommend to all my mommy clients is to choose a mid-rise short, that will give your bottom the coverage you need while on the floor playing with the little ones or bending over to pick up your tot (there is nothing worse than undies hanging out the top of your shorts).

Mid-rise shorts seem harder to find than those cute little “short shorts,” but I agree with the author: they're super important.

I'd rather not flash the moms at Kindermusik class with my mom undies..or worse.

Learn the rest of the rules for wearing shorts at Hello,Dearest so you can shop confidently too.

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