Do You Let Your Baby “Cry It Out”?

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The way I see it, babies cry because they need something. Maybe, they need to be fed or changed. Who knows, maybe they’re sick or teething. Sometimes, they might just want attention and affection. Regardless, babies don’t come into this world intending to make our lives difficult. They have physical and emotional needs just like the rest of us and it’s our job as moms to meet those needs.

There were days that I honestly thought he’d never let me put him down and days that I was so tired I couldn’t see straight. Still, for the first six or so months of his life, I did my best to not let him cry. I made his comfort my number one priority.

Sometimes, that meant never having both of my hands free at once. Other times, that meant getting up every ten or so minutes for an hour or two at night until he finally settled down. Honestly, there were days when it crossed my mind – that I wondered if I was wrong and they were right. I worried that he’d never grow out of the stage where he wasn’t happy unless he was close to me and on more than one occasion I seriously wondered if I’d ever be able to go to the bathroom again by myself – you know, because that was one of those things that presented some very unique challenges.

Now, lest someone think that I’ve completely spoiled this baby, I assure you that I haven’t. At 9 months old, he sleeps for 8-9 hours each and every night in his crib with very few exceptions. He also seems to be quickly becoming independent. As of lately, he wants nothing more than to be put down to explore. Gone are the days that he’s not happy unless he’s being held – so long and farewell, my friends.

I find it ironic. All of these people with their great advice that told me to let him “cry it out” – that swore up and down to me that I’d never get to sleep through the night and that I’d never be able to put him down. I guess they were wrong.

Who would’ve thought, right?

Written by: Cristi Wuenschel

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