Are You A Crunchy Pregnant Mama?

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I didn't realize I was “crunchy” until my son was about six months old. Sure, I had made a lot of “granola” choices but I was just making decisions that made sense for our family and our new baby. It finally hit me one day on the phone with my sister. She was pregnant with my niece and called to ask me a question. Before I could answer, my sister said something like “Don't give me the crazy earthy answer either.”

Before I even knew I was pregnant, I knew about Ina May, The Business of Being Born, Doulas, Birthing Centers, and Extended Breastfeeding all thanks to a class I took in college as part of my Anthropology minor. I didn't know it then, but that one class had already set me up to be a pregnant crunchy mom.

Yep. I am definitely a crunchy mom. There are plenty of signs. I should have seen it coming while I was still pregnant.

Find out if you're a crunchy pregnant mommy on the next page.

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