Beauty Tips From A Friend

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Tip #1: Always be prepared

We always leave the house in a rush taking the kids to school or running an errand and forget or just don't have the time to put on makeup or do our hair. Why not try to have a little to go bag that has the general necessities such as lipstick, eye shadow, and a headband to place that messy hair back.

Tip #2: Prioritize

We all know we should moisturize and use sunscreen on our skin as well as exfoliation. These are the essentials to having healthier, younger looking skin. If you don't have a lot of time to put makeup on your face, figure out what takes priority, what is important to you? I, myself reach for the foundation, then the powder and then the eyeliner.

Tip #3: Don't neglect your feet

I am known for wearing sandals all the time and even though I have no time to get a pedicure, I manage to keep my feet healthy looking and feeling. When taking a bath or shower, scrub your feet with a foot scrubber and callus remover. After your done, massage those feet with essential oils or lotions that help heal those dry, cracked feet.

Tip #4: Treat yourself 

Find ways to help you feel better about yourself. I know it is easier said than done and we all have been there but it can be done. It is important to take care of yourself,  because you deserve it and because you are setting an example for children Try drinking lots of water, eat your vegetables and exercise. You will be amazed at how much healthier you feel.

Tip #5: Change those makeup brushes

Eye shadow, loose powder, and foundation, can build up on your make up brushes. To help achieve clear skin and a better application of makeup to your skin, it is important to clean your brushes often.  powder, eye shadow, dirt, oil…all of these things can build up on your makeup brushes. To help achieve a flawless makeup application and clear skin, it is important to clean your makeup brushes often.

There you have it, a few helpful tips my friend gave me.

Do you have any beauty tips? Share them!

Written by: Brydie Clark

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