[Video] Angry Grandpa Is Brought To Tears With Sweetest Surprise

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In this touching video, a man videos an amazing surprise for his dad. It's not the news that he will be getting a grandchild or a crazy prank meant to make fun.  In this video, the son gifts his father with a house!

At first, the father and son can be seen touring a home for sale and commenting on things like room size, finishing touches, and tile work in the shower.  The son explains that he has tricked his father into thinking he merely wants his opinion on a new house he and his wife are thinking of purchasing.  Kindly, the father follows the son around the home commenting on changes that should be made and features that will add value to the home.

Then, just as the tour is wrapping up, the son confesses that the home is really not for him at all. He presents his father with a key and gifts him the lovely new home. The clip ends with a touching moment between father and son as the two hug and dad cries.

I'm not sure that the motives behind this grand gesture were entirely pure. After all, the son does say that dad has been living with them and they seem keen to get him into his own place. It is unclear whether or not dad is equally eager.

But does it really matter if there was a hidden motive? I don't think so. Either way it was a very kind and touching gift that made all parties happy in the end. Besides, it's not like it's news to anyone that having your parents living with you isn't exactly the ideal situation.

As a parent, I hope I never have to move in with my kids, but it would still be preferable to some other alternatives. What about you? Would you want to live with your parents? If your kids bought you a house, could you accept? Would you be overjoyed or confused that they were somehow kicking you out?

Share your thoughts and feelings in the comment section.

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