A Letter To Our Childless Friends

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Are you the childless friend that I was then or the busy and exhausted mom that I am now?

I promise I won’t always be this busy. Eventually, my baby won’t be a baby anymore, and at some point, I can socialize on a regular basis again. Maybe not as much as I used to, but I will try my best to see you as often as I can.

I won’t always be this tired. Sometimes you tell me stuff and I forget. And I am embarrassed that I forget. You are important, and so is the stuff you are telling me. I just am not very good at remembering a lot of things these days. I called my eyelids eye covers. That’s how tired I am. I haven’t had more than three hours of uninterrupted sleep in over 10 months. I promise that one day, when I am finally caught up on my sleep, I will remember everything you tell me and I’ll have witty remarks and great advice to give.

Don't forget to check out the rest of this awesome letter on Scary Mommy.

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